Election Day Cocktails: The Bad Hombre and The Nasty Woman

We're all going to need a drink on election day, right? Well, I've got two of them right here.

I'm not getting political, just having fun with some names that seemed perfect for cocktails, Bad Hombre and Nasty Woman.

They sound like drinks you'd find on a trendy bar menu, right? Heck, I'd be surprised if someone isn't already using them.

But these are my versions.

Either of these could be served as mocktails, of course, which is wise to do before you've voted. After voting, however, a cocktail might be appropriate as you watch the votes roll in.

And there's a third drink I've included as a bonus. Possibly for the day after the election. For celebration, to drown your sorrows, or, really, it's just for the fun of it.

And, since it's a party ... and maybe because you didn't cook anything because you were busy voting, I think some snacks make perfect sense. So I've got that, too.

Because I'm a food blogger, I get samples of a lot of stuff to review over on my review blog, but this time I decided to use some of those products to create cocktails and for the election day party.

I mean, they're here. Might as well use 'em, right?

If you're interested in the products, there's more information about them at the end of the post. Meanwhile, let's mix up some tasty drinkies, shall we?

The Bad Hombre

Bad Hombre evokes something a little sinister, spicy, and south-of-the-border, so I decided that peppers and chocolate had to be involved.

A boozy, spicy hot chocolate seemed perfect, but what about the liquor? I considered tequila, but opted for rum, instead.

Rather than adding the heat to the drink itself, I rimmed the glass with a chili-chocolate sugar.

Bad Hombre

Chile-chocolate sugar
1 ounce dark rum
Hot chocolate (your favorite) to fill glass

Wet the rim of the glass with a little bit of water. Dip it in the chili chocolate sugar.

Add the rum to the heatproof glass. Add hot chocolate to fill.

Get it while it's hot.

The Nasty Woman

I decided that this drink should be just a little sweet, but also tart. A little spicy. And not shy about the choice of alcohol. Whisky. 

For a garnish, I chose lemons sprinkled with a bit of flaky salt. Because a nasty woman would be a bit of a salty tart. Or a lot.

I mean, what the heck. Use half of a lemon as a garnish. Because, why not?

The base of the drink is a spiced cranberry and citrus juice.

Nasty Woman

1/2 lemon
Flaky salt
1 ounce Crown Royal (or your favorite)
Hot Ruby cranberry and citrus
Dash of flavored syrup from Cocktail and Sons

Cut a slice in that lemon so you can affix it to the side of the glass in a perky but slightly menacing manner. Sprinkle a little salt on the cut side.

Add the Crown Royal (or other favorite whisky) to the glass, then add a dash of the flavored syrup. I tried both the Demerara and the Honeysuckle and Peppercorn and couldn't decide which I liked better. Fill with the Hot Ruby,

Okay, if you want, you can add ice to the glass. Wimp.

Drink, refill, repeat, as necessary.

The Bigly

If you ask me, one of the best things that has come out of the debates is the word "bigly." Okay, I know it's not a word. Yet. But it will be a word. Or it should be a word. I'm an admitted word nerd, and I want to use that word as a reply to questions like, "Did that brownie recipe work out for you?"

And then I reply with just one word. "Bigly."

It's like Big-Time and Happily rolled into one. The brownies were awesome, it says.

"How did you do on the job interview?"


"Did you like your birthday present?"


I mean, seriously, I'm a little in love with it.

The Bigly

Get a BIG glass. Okay, let's be honest. I made this just because I wanted to use the giant glass.

Fill it with whatever you want to fill it with. Tears of joy or angst. Champagne or moonshine.

Party on, dude.

Stuff! I used STUFF!

Chili-Chocolate Sugar from Spiced Up.

They also sent a cute little metal stirrer. It's adorable!

Lemons from Limoneira

These aren't the same as lemons I've bought at the store. More lemon, less bitter.

I used the regular salt, but the chipotle or mesquite would have been interesting, too.

This is different. It's like a mulled wine, but non-alcoholic, with cranberry and citrus. It can be served warm or chilled. I've been drinking it plain, but it was awesome in a cocktail.

Flavored Syrups from Cocktail and Sons

They sent syrups, switchel, and a ready-to-drink haymaker's punch. I'm sure you'll see more cocktails using these in the future.

Gift Basket from iGourmet

This had some fun stuff in it that would be perfect to dive into and snack on along with the cocktails. This basket had pate, sausage, peppers, little toasts, sweet little peppers ... and it all came in a cute basket. They've got other baskets to choose from, but I loved this. The sausage is already gone.

The same folks who sent me the New Zealand salts also sent me some awesome chips and some sweets using manuka honey as well. If you can find those chips anywhere, I recommend them. The candies are really nice, too. I like having one or two after dinner. Just YUM.

Thanks to all the companies who sent me goodies to sample! This was way more fun than it should have been.

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